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+44 1234 567 890
Prioritized procedure
The Life-Cycle Management Act regulates the production and management of waste within Germany. This also includes far-reaching regulations regarding the recovery and disposal of waste. Responsible waste shipment and verification play an essential role for all companies.
In addition to the legally-regulated acceptance of waste returns, voluntary acceptance is also an option, which makes the manufacturers and distributors of hazardous waste more responsible. A major advantage for customers and buyers here is an exemption from the obligation to provide verification.
This service is also offered by Christoph Dürr GmbH:
Thanks to the subsidiary Mentor GmbH & Co. KG, customers can benefit from the option of voluntary returns acceptance according to § 26 KrWG. Due to the lack of verification requirements, you will incur less work and enjoy simplified waste shipment. Our certification as a waste-disposal specialist ensures the reliable disposal of your waste.
Do you have any questions? Our expert staff will gladly advise you on waste shipment, verification and voluntary returns acceptance.
Christian Bashab | Environmental Management

Various solutions
Waste-legislation requirements are growing steadily. Safe and professional handling has to be guaranteed especially when dealing with hazardous waste. The statutory regulations for the recovery or disposal of this waste are derived from the Life-Cycle Management Act, which at the same time defines a waste-management hierarchy.
For example, recovery operations, through which waste can be reprocessed and used for primary or other purposes, have priority over other recovery and disposal methods in the waste-management hierarchy. However, not every substance is suitable for such recycling or distillation.
This is where the diverse disposal options provided by Christoph Dürr GmbH come into play. Thanks to our well-organized waste-disposal network, we can offer you extensive cost-effective alternatives for energy recovery and other disposal of your organic solvents. We make our extensive expertise and excellent quality management available to you here.
We are happy to pick up your contaminated substances from your site – saving you time and unnecessary costs. We can also pick up pasty substances in larger quantities from your site, thanks to our special tank wagon, and dispose of them.
Marvin Hillebrand | Sales


Customized options
Thanks to our solid storage capacity in the general cargo and tank area, Christoph Dürr GmbH has an extensive inventory of distillates and fresh goods.
Customers have the option here to have their products custom-processed according to their requirements. Our inventory includes wash dilutions with different flash points, cleaners for flexo and block printing and other organic solvents.
Delivery takes place through our own fleet of vehicles in at tank container with a capacity of 13.5 m³ or in general cargo in 1,000 liter IBC and 200 liter drums. We provide all necessary transport documents for you.
Marvin Hillebrand | Sales

Our strengths
Businesses are surrounded by constant transformation and ever-changing conditions. Adaptability and mobility play an important role here.
An essential component in the foundation for our success is flexibility. We can guarantee it to our customers because we have our own fleet and short communication channels. This enables us to handle short-term orders quickly and reliably.
Our fleet includes three trucks with swap bodies and lifts, two trailers with swap bodies, a tractor, a 4-chamber tank trailer and a semi-trailer.

Bei der Beförderung Ihrer Alt- und Frischware besteht die Möglichkeit des Stückgut- oder Tankzugtransportes. Die nötigen Beförderungspapiere und abfallrechtlichen Nachweise werden automatisch von uns für Sie erstellt. Durch unseren internen Gefahrgutbeauftragten werden alle rechtlichen Anforderungen an den Transport von gefährlichen Abfällen stets eingehalten und berücksichtigt.
Unser Fuhrparkleiter und Gefahrgutbeauftragter berät Sie gerne im Bereich Transport und Beförderung von Abfällen.
Andreas Mittelsdorf | Fuhrpark & Disposition, Gefahrgutbeauftragter
Competent and reliable
In order to ensure the safe transport of dangerous goods, IBCs of any kind are subject to a two-and-a-half-year test under the ADR. Under this regulation, the external condition and proper operation of the operating equipment are inspected by a qualified person.
Thanks to many years of experience and continuous training, our hazardous-goods expert has the expertise and the approval to inspect your containers for you. We carry out all maintenance and necessary controls for you: from procurement to maintenance – We take care of all the necessary processes for you. We offer this service as part of order processing – just contact us!
Andreas Mitteldorf | Fleet & Disposition, Hazardous-Goods Officer

The book of seven seals
Due to the ever-changing requirements of environmental protection and waste legislation, companies are required to properly dispose of or process waste or hazardous waste. So an expert, reliable partner plays an important role here for every company.
Certification as a disposal specialist and our years of experience make us a qualified and ideal partner for the disposal of your contaminated organic solvents. Sustainability, efficient work and customer satisfaction are always in the foreground with us. Hand-in-hand with you, we will find the best solutions for the treatment or disposal of your waste.
Our activities as well as our knowledge and expertise in the area of waste and recycling law is very broad. Our competent staff will gladly assist and advise you – Just contact us!
Christian Bashab | Environmental Management